Book by Eliane Retz & Christiane Stella Bongertz, 2021
“When brushing your teeth, getting dressed, on the playground, in the supermarket or when visiting grandparents – life with a toddler offers countless situations in which conflicts can arise. Before you know it, the child will have a tantrum or bitter tears, and we as parents feel hopelessly overwhelmed. In the Blinks to Wild Child (2021) you will learn how to cope with such conflicts and raise your child in a loving and relaxed manner.“
“What makes us good parents? The answer is: unconditional love for our children and the ability to change perspective. No matter how much our toddlers piss us off, how much they rave or scream, they should feel that our love for them and the bond between us is a constant in their life. It is our job as parents to be a safe haven for our children from which they can confidently and curiously set out on the adventures of life. Upbringing is an ongoing learning process that is about practicing acceptance and finding a balance between different needs and necessities. The attachment-oriented upbringing gives us principles and solution strategies which, by the way, not only help in dealing with children, but also with other adults. Because they too want to feel seen and respected.” Blinkist, Amazon, Goodreads
Key Ideas:
- In typical conflict situations with the toddler, just keep your nerve.
- Every child is a “wild child” – and that’s a good thing
- Attachment-oriented education gives children a climbing aid to grow
- A strong parent-child bond is the best education
- Good enough parents are better than perfectionists
- If the little word wasn’t no…
- You don’t play with food, do you?
- Getting done without being completely done
- Crime scene playground
- In the eye of the storm
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