Free Blinkist book summary: “Connect ” (David Bradford and Carole Robin, 2021)
Seth Godin: “The wayfinding premium“
There are two approaches to work: merely executing and innovating.
Executing means doing the known, done-before work. Innovating means finding a better way to do something.
Innovating requires more effort and likely more time. But, as a result, gives you an “edge”, meaning a premium, both in terms of reputation and compensation.
Nothing wrong in merely executing, but, you probably won’t command a premium, and are not solving an interesting problem. You are also probably doing things not in the most efficient and effective way.
So, the extra effort required to “innovate” will most likely reward you both externally and internally (excitement and satisfaction).
Advice To Writers: “Composition is a discipline”, William Safire
What’s the benefit of writing things down? The benefit is that it allows you to organize your thoughts and then remove all the unnecessary parts, so that, when you communicate them to another person, they will get across in the best way.
Contrast this to just thinking or to just talking.
When you think, you get in touch with your inner feelings and in a way you are communicating with yourself. When instead you want to communicate with another human being, you should get in touch with your thoughts.
Usually when you communicate you are trying to persuade, or motivate or instruct, or discover… Whatever your purpose, the best way to organize your thoughts, give them structure and purpose is to write them down, organize them, trim them down, until they become the most effective.