Blinkist summaries The Common Path to Uncommon Success (John Lee Dumas) John Lee Dumas is the founder and host of the podcast Entrepreneurs on Fire. EoF Income reports. Der Fettversteher (Prof. Dr. Alexander Bartelt) “To get rid of the extra pounds, you should focus on a balanced diet and plenty of exercise. But brown fat can […]
“Privacy Is Power” by Carissa Véliz Blinkist, Amazon, Goodreads Data is the economy’s most valuable commodity. Those who have access to your personal information, hold power over you. They use your information to predict your behavior, to influence you, to sell to you and to discriminate against you (you get treated differently according to your […]
Procrastination, Transcriptions, Inflation And Mood
Blinkist summary of Agent Sonya. Blinkist summary of Wie wir aufblühen. Procrastination. KEY TAKEAWAYS: It has more to do with mood management than time management. Less confidence equals more avoidance. “Just start…Once you start, the progress fuels your positive feelings about doing the task and those positive feelings lead to more progress.” According to Sirois, […]